What is Crohn's Disease?

What is Crohn's Disease?

Chronic bowel disease, which belongs to the inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) group crohn's disease It is called. Another important disease in the inflammatory bowel diseases group is ulcerative colitis. It can affect any part of the digestive system, but usually occurs in the lower small intestines and large intestine.

What are the Symptoms of Crohn's Disease?

What is Crohn's Disease?

Symptoms of the disease may differ from person to person. However, the following symptoms can usually be seen. You may feel severe or cramp-like pain in the abdominal area. These pains can often be close to the areas affected by the disease. Diarrhea may occur in the form of watery, frequent and sometimes bloody stools. This diarrhea can sometimes disrupt your sleep at night. A feeling of bloating and gas may be experienced in the abdominal area.

Crohn's disease It can often cause fatigue. Energy levels may drop as inflammation continues throughout the body. The disease can cause loss of appetite and lead to weight loss. Bleeding may occur due to inflammation in the intestinal wall, which may lead to blood in the stools. Canker sores may occur in the mouth and around the lips. It may cause symptoms in the form of rashes, rashes or sores on the skin.

Problems such as redness, pain or irritation in the eyes may occur. Joint pain and swelling may accompany the disease. These symptoms may occur in different severities and forms in each patient. If you experience any one or more of these symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor. Crohn's disease treatment and its diagnosis should be made by a specialist doctor. Remember that the symptoms are not specific to this disease, so medical help is required for a definitive diagnosis.

What are the Risk Factors for Crohn's Disease?

Some of the risk factors of the disease are: Family history increases the risk of developing the disease. The risk of disease is higher in people whose first-degree relatives have this disease. Genetic predisposition has been associated with changes in certain genes. immune system problems, crohn's disease may increase the risk. While the immune system protects the body against external threats, the body can also attack its own tissues. The immune system can attack the intestinal wall, causing inflammation. Smoking may increase the risk. Smoking can trigger the onset and exacerbation of the disease. Additionally, dietary factors and some infections may also affect risk. However, the role of environmental impacts is still unclear. It usually begins in young adulthood (20-30s).

However, it can occur at any age. It tends to occur equally in men and women. While this disease is more common in Western countries, its prevalence is lower in developing countries. This may be due to lifestyle and diet differences. Immunological imbalances cause the immune system to attack the intestinal wall, leading to inflammation. These factors may play a role in the development of the disease. Exactly how the disease develops and which factors are most important is still not fully understood. These risk factors reflect the complex etiology of the disease and may act differently in each individual. If crohn's disease If you think you may be at risk or have symptoms, it is important to see a healthcare professional.

What is Crohn's Disease?

What are the Treatment Methods for Crohn's Disease?

Treatment methods may vary depending on factors such as the severity and prevalence of the disease and the patient's general health condition. Crohn's disease Some of the treatment methods are as follows. In some patients, certain foods or food groups may worsen symptoms. Dietary changes and nutrition plans can be effective in managing the disease. There may be patients who do not respond to drug treatments or develop serious complications. These may require surgical intervention.

Damaged intestinal areas can be removed or narrowed areas can be corrected. Anti-diarrheal medications, painkillers and other symptom-relieving medications may be used. Probiotic and prebiotic supplements are used to balance the intestinal flora and improve the immune system response. The treatment approach may vary depending on the course of the disease, the patient's health status and response to treatment. A specialist doctor can provide guidance in diagnosing the disease and creating a treatment plan.