International Congress Proceedings Published in the Proceedings Book

Home International Congress Proceedings Published in the Proceedings Book

C1.1. Dirlik M, Çağlıkülekçi M, Cinel İ, Özer İ, Cinel L, Öcal K, Aydın S. The effect of Antithrombin III(AT-III) on morphological changes in small intestine in experimental obstructive jaundice model. International Proceedings Division Eurosurgery 2000;7:131–135.
C1.2. Çağlıkülekçi M, Atalay F, Bayramoğlu E, Gündoğdu H, Aydoğ G. Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis. I. Eurasian Gastroenterology Congress 1997, 21–25 May 1997.Baku-Azarbaijan.
C1.3. Çağlıkülekçi M, Bayramoğlu E, Yılmaz S, Akoğlu M, Administration of erythropoietin before surgery in anemic and transfusion-requiring gastric cancers. I. Eurasian Gastroenterology Congress 1997 21–25 May 1997. Baku-Azarbaijan.
C1.4. Çağlıkülekçi M, Özçay N, Oruğ T, Renda N, Aydoğ G. The effect of Growth Hormone (GH) application on small intestine anastomosis wound healing in subjects with obstructive jaundice. EUROSURGERY 2000, page 14 (9th European Surgical Congress and National Surgical Congress); 20–24 June 2000, ISTANBUL.
C1.5. Dirlik M, Çağlıkülekçi M, Cinel İ, Özer İ, Cinel L, Öcal K, Aydın S. The effect of Antithrombin III(AT III) on morphological changes in small intestine in experimental obstructive jaundice. EUROSURGERY 2000;20–24 June 2000. ISTANBUL.
C1.6. Çağlıkülekçi M, Bayramoğlu E, Yılmaz S, Akoğlu M, The effect of GM-CSF application on immunological values in subjects with obstructive urge. 2nd Eurasian Gastroenterology Congress-Kazakhstan. 2–5 June 1998.
C1.7. Çağlıkülekçi M, Pata C, Dirlik M, Apa Dusmez D, Tamer L, Ögetman Z, Kanık A, Aydın S. The effect of N-Acetylcysteine on liver tissue inducible nitric oxide synthesis(iNOS) and tissue lipid peroxidation in LPS induced obstructive jaundice . 12th World Congress Of The International Association Of Surgeons And Gastroenterologists. October/November 2002, ISTANBUL.
C1.8. Dirlik M, Çağlıkülekçi M, Cinel İ, Cinel L, Tamer L, Pata C, Ögetman Z, Öcal K, Aydın S. The effect of PARS inhibition on ileal histopathology, and apoptosis and lipid peroxidation in LPS-induced rats with obstructive jaundice. 12th World Congress Of The International Association Of Surgeons And Gastroenterologist. October/November 2002, ISTANBUL.
C1.9. Çağlıkülekçi M, Yaylak F, Çolak T, Dirlik M, Öcal K, Aydın S. Intraabdominal sepsis: open abdomen treatment with zipper mesh and Bogota bag. 5th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 1–5 0ctober 2002; ISTANBUL.
C1.10. Ç Çağlıkülekçi M, Yaylak F, Canbaz H, Tamer L, Ögetman Z, Aydın S. Effect of Aminoguanidine on Blood and Tissue Lipid Peroxidation and Tissue INOS Expression in LPS-induced Hepatic Ischemia Reperfusion Injury. 6th World Congress of the IHPBA, Page:42, 2–6 June 2004, Washington. USA
C1.11. Başhirov, Akoğlu M, Atalay F, Yılmaz S, Kırımlıoğlu V, Gündoğdu H, Çağlıkülekçi M, Seven C. Our experience of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy during acute cholecystitis. I. Eurasian Gastroenterology Congress, 1997, 21-25 May 1997.Baku-AZARBAIJAN.
C1.12. Canbaz H, Akca T, C Çağlıkülekçi M, Tamer L, Bilgin O, Aydın S. The effect of Carnitine on lipid peroxidation in hepatic ischemia reperfusion injury. 6th EHPBA 23–28 May 2005; Heidelberg-GERMANY.
C1.13. Pata C, Çağlıkülekçi M, Apa D. Duygu, Cimen B, Sezer K, Koray Ö, Dirlik M, Sezgin O. The effect of N-Acetyl Cysteine: Relation to Fibrosis. 12th World Congress Of The International Association Of Surgeons And Gastroenterologists. October/November 2002, ISTANBUL
C1.14. Çağlıkülekçi M, Saray A, Can B, Dag A and Saran Y. Effects of Obstructive Jaundice on the Peripheral Nevre: An Ultrastructural Study in Rats. 6th World Congress of the IHPBA, Page: 178, June 2004, Washington. USA
C1.15. Çağlıkülekçi M, Altınuraz K, Oruğ T, Kır M, Demirer S. The role of GM-CSF in the reticuloendothelial system function on experimental obstructive jaundice. EUROSURGERY 2000;20–24 June 2000. ISTANBUL.
C1.16. Akça T, Canbaz H, Canten T, Çağlıkülekçi M, Tamer L, Bilgin O, Aydın S. The effect of N-AcetylCysteine on pulmonary lipid peroxidation and tissue damage. 6th EHPBA 23–28 May 2005; Heidelberg. GERMANY.
C1.17. Çağlıkülekçi M, Bağdatoğlu C, Çözüm S, Bağdatoğlu O, Saray A, Yaylak F, Kanık A. The protective effect of N-AcetylCysteine on the Peripheral Nevre ultrastructural changes in obstructive jaundice. 6th EHPBA 23–28 May 2005; Heidelberg. GERMANY.
C1.18. Çağlıkülekçi M, Yaylak F, Canbaz H, Tamer L, Ögetman Z, Aydın S. Effect of Aminoguanidine on Blood and Tissue Lipid Peroxidation and Tissue INOS Expression in LPS-induced obstructive jaundice. 6th EHPBA 23–28 May 2005; Heidelberg. GERMANY.
C1.19. Canbaz H, Akca T, Caglikulekci M, Tataroğlu C, Tamer L, Dirlik M, Kanik A, Ustunsoy B, Aydın S, “The effect of Carnitine on lipid peroxidation during hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury,”. 6th Congress of the European Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association May 25–28, Heidelberg, Germany, HPB (Suppl I), 7, 57, 2005.
C1.20. Caglikulekci M, Ogetman Z, Dirlik M, Dusmez Apa D, Tamer L, Canbaz H, Aydın S, “The effect of Aminoguanidine on liver and renal tissue iNOS and blood and tissue lipid peroxidation in obstructive jaundice stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS),” . 6th Congress of the European Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association May 25–28, Heidelberg, Germany, HPB (Suppl I), 7, 115, 2005 (poster).

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