The first part of the small intestine, about 25 centimeters long, is called the duodenum. It looks like the letter C. The ulcer that occurs in the duodenum is called duodenal ulcer in medical language.
Causes of Ulcer
untreated gastritis,
too much acid,
nervous disorder,
disorderly life,
Excessive use of cigarettes, tea, coffee and alcohol
Gallbladder or liver failure,
Heart diseases,
hormone imbalance,
Inability to eat a balanced diet,
Foods that are too hot or too cold,
Eating too much meat, pastries, or spicy foods
And some medications;
It helps prevent ulcers in the duodenum.
What are the symptoms of ulcer?
The patient complains of heartburn and sour water coming into his mouth.
In addition, his tongue is rusty, his color is pale, dizziness and excessive sweating are also observed.
When pressed on his stomach, he feels pain.
Pain increases with hunger and decreases with food and milk intake.
After meals, a pain radiating towards the chest appears.
These symptoms increase even more in spring and autumn.
The first thing to do for treatment is to eliminate the causes of the disease,
Eating small but frequent meals,
Avoiding cigarettes, alcohol, tea and alcohol
It means resting and trying to live away from sadness.
Stomach ulcer
Stomach ulcers usually occur as a result of infections in the stomach wall. The bacteria called "H.pylori" is shown to be the main cause of stomach ulcers.
A healthy stomach lining is resistant to the stomach acid produced for digestion, but in a person with a stomach ulcer, since the protection of the stomach lining against acid is eliminated, stomach acid that comes into contact with the wound causes severe pain. These pains are concentrated in the upper part of the abdomen and may occur intermittently.
If stomach ulcer is diagnosed early, it can be treated with medications, but if the symptoms are not taken seriously and the ulcer begins to bleed, it is a serious health problem that can be life-threatening.
What are the symptoms of ulcer?
Ulcer symptoms may vary depending on the stage of the ulcer. Open wounds in the stomach lining caused by ulcers initially show mild symptoms. However, as the wound grows, the symptoms, especially abdominal pain, increase in severity.
Pain: The main symptom of a stomach ulcer is pain in the upper abdomen. These pains may come and go (lasting from a few minutes to a few hours) and can be relieved with stomach acid-reducing tablets.
However, these tablets do not cure the ulcer and provide temporary relief. Pain may worsen after meals and wake you up at night.
Other Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, bloating, weakness, frequent burping and weight loss are among other symptoms of stomach ulcers.
Bleeding Stomach Ulcer Symptoms: When the ulcer in the stomach lining begins to bleed, dark, bloody or tar-like stools, vomiting of blood, weight loss, and very severe pain in the middle and upper part of the abdomen are observed. Bleeding ulcer is a serious problem and one should go to a healthcare institution as soon as possible.
Do Stomach Ulcers Cause Significant Problems?
Stomach ulcers can often be treated with stomach acid regulating drugs and antibiotics. Antibiotic treatment usually prevents the ulcer from recurring. However, if you do not take the symptoms of the ulcer seriously and do not go to the doctor and start medication, your ulcer may turn into a life-threatening bleeding ulcer. Bleeding from the ulcer and its serious complications are not common (occurring in 1 in 50 people), but this does not mean "there is no risk". Stomach ulcers can lead to very serious conditions such as perforation of the stomach lining or "gastric obstruction", which prevents food from moving through the digestive system. Internal bleeding is among the dangerous complications of untreated stomach ulcers. Especially adults over the age of 60 should start stomach ulcer treatment as soon as possible and should not skip post-treatment checks.
Diagnostic Tests for Stomach Ulcer
Endoscopy: Endoscopy, which allows the doctor to view the stomach with a thin tube with a camera at the end, is one of the most commonly used methods to diagnose stomach ulcers. Thanks to the camera, the exact area of the stomach where the ulcer is located, its size and its stage can be clearly determined with this method.
Bacteria Test: Various tests can be performed to detect H.pylori bacteria, which is shown to be the main cause of stomach ulcers. These tests include stool test, breath test and blood test. Additionally, during endoscopy, a sample (biopsy) can be taken from the stomach ulcer to examine whether H.pylori bacteria is present.
Biopsy: Some samples can be taken from the ulcer visualized by endoscopy to be tested in the laboratory later, and this is called biopsy. Thanks to these samples examined under a microscope, clear information can be provided about the cause of the ulcer and whether it is cancerous or not.
Methods Used in Ulcer Treatment
H2 Blockers
PPI(Proton pump Inhibitors)
Nowadays, since the bacteria that cause ulcers are clearly known and special antibiotics effective against this bacteria have been produced, significant success has been achieved in non-surgical treatments. In cases where the ulcer is life-threatening (bleeding ulcer or obstruction of the digestive system), surgery is the option.
After the stomach ulcer is treated, check-ups are required to determine whether the ulcer has recurred. During these checks, tests may be performed to find out whether the bacteria is active again. These tests are usually done at least 4 weeks after treatment. If the bacteria is not completely cleared, antibiotic treatment can be applied again.
How Should Stomach Ulcer Patients Eat?
Foods rich in fiber help heal existing ulcers and prevent ulcer formation. Bitter and very spicy foods can aggravate ulcer symptoms. Alcohol and cigarette use are among the biggest obstacles to ulcer healing. Stress, coffee, carbonated drinks and tea are foods that pose a risk for stomach ulcers.