150,000 people get this cancer every year (America). In our country, 30,000 people are diagnosed with this disease every year.
What is Large Intestine Cancer?
The large intestine is approximately 200 cm long. The upper part, which is 150-180 cm, is called "large intestine" and the lower part, which is 15-18 cm long, is called "rectum".
Protection and Early Diagnosis
Early diagnosis of cancer is very important. The earlier it is diagnosed, the better the results will be. During the patient examination, ''rectal examination'' is important. In this way, tumors in this area can be detected with an examination performed with a glove.
Again, the "fecal occult blood" test is important for early diagnosis. This test should be performed once a year starting at age 50.
A colonoscopy every 5 years starting at age 50 will help detect cancers in this area at an early stage.
What are the Complaints and Findings?
Diarrhea and constipation
Seeing blood mixed with stool
Change in toilet habits,
Thinning and shrinking of stool diameter,
Abdominal pain, increased gas pain,
Inability to relax after defecation,
Weight loss,
Weakness and loss of appetite
Diseases Involved
Sometimes these complaints can also be seen in hemorrhoids, ulcers, inflammatory bowel diseases, and diverticulum diseases.
What are the Diagnostic Methods?
Barium colon and rectum radiography,
Colonoscopy (Examination of the inside of the intestine with a lighted tube)
Computed Tomography,
CEA (Carcinoembryonic antigen) blood test. Blood value increases in the presence of cancer.
Large Intestine Cancer Causes and Prevention
Polyps: They are benign masses. However, sometimes it can turn into cancer. Removing polyps using the colonoscopic method can prevent cancer formation.
Family history: Having cancer in close relatives increases the risk of cancer formation.
Age: The risk of colorectal cancer increases over the age of 50.
Diet: Foods high in fat, rich in red meat, low in fruits and vegetables, and low in fiber increase the risk of developing this cancer.
Familial Polyposis: Kalıtsal bir hastalık olup bağırsakta yüzlerce polip oluşmaktadır. Bu poliplerde kanserleşme riski yüksektir. Tedavi edilmezse %100 kanserleşir.
Obesity, life without exercise,
Low fiber diet
Presence of inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
The following precautions are recommended diets for prevention.
Fibrous foods,
Whole wheat bread and cereal products,
Diet with fibrous foods
A diet away from fatty foods and red meat,
A diet rich in vegetables and fruits
Avoid dried, barbecued meats
These are protective factors against colon cancer.
Treatment of Colon Cancers
Colon cancer; It is treated surgically. The tumor causing the cancer and some surrounding healthy tissue are removed. The solid ends are joined mutually. Chemotherapy is applied depending on the stage of the colon cancer. In tumors very close to the anus, the anus is removed and defecation is performed from the abdomen using colostomy bags. In cases that spread to other organs, which we call metastasis, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are applied in addition to surgery to try to extend the life of the patient.