Prof. Dr. Mehmet Çağlıkülekçi has become the choice of thousands of patients thanks to the hundreds of successful operations he has performed. If you want to get information about treatments, you can contact us.
"Be aware of stomach cancer, hold on to life!"
What is Stomach Cancer?
Stomach cancer is a type of cancer characterized by abnormal and uncontrolled growth of stomach cells. Stomach cancer usually arises from the gastric mucosa, which are the cells lining the lining of the stomach. Due to genetic mutations in these cells, the normal cell cycle is disrupted and cancerous cells form. Esophageal cancer usually begins with abnormal growth of cells in the inner wall of the esophagus and turns into cancer cells over time. This type of cancer is generally more common in older ages and in men.
What are the symptoms?
- Loss of appetite
- bloody stool
- rapid weight loss
- heartburn
- Nausea and vomiting
- Fatigue and weakness
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Çağlıkülekçi
“ Stand against stomach cancer for a healthy future! “
Stage 1
The cancer has advanced in the muscle layer of the stomach, but has not spread to the lymph nodes and has not spread to nearby organs or tissues.
Stage 2
The cancer may have spread deeper than the stomach muscle layer or to nearby organs or tissues. It may also spread to the lymph nodes.
Stage 3
The cancer has spread further to the tissues and organs around the stomach. It can also spread to the lymph nodes.
Stage 4
At this stage, the cancer has spread to distant organs outside the stomach, such as the liver, lungs, bones or other distant lymph nodes. This stage is known as metastatic stomach cancer.
Treatment Methods
It is the surgical removal of the cancerous stomach area and surrounding affected tissues. Surgical treatment can be performed in different ways, such as gastric resection (partial or complete removal of the stomach) or gastrectomy (stomach is removed and the small intestine is rearranged), depending on the spread and size of the cancer and the general health of the patient.
It is a treatment method that aims to destroy cancer cells using high-energy rays. Radiotherapy aims to kill cancer cells by focusing on the cancerous area. In stomach cancer, radiotherapy can be used before surgery (neoadjuvant), as an adjunct to post-surgical (adjuvant) treatment, or for palliative purposes to control symptoms.
It is a systemic treatment method that aims to destroy cancer cells through drugs. Chemotherapy may be used to control the spread of cancer cells, shrink or kill cancer cells, and reduce the risk of recurrence after treatment. It can generally be applied before surgery (neoadjuvant) or after surgery (adjuvant).
It is a treatment method that strengthens the immune system and enables it to attack cancer cells. Immunotherapy may be used as a treatment option for some stomach cancer patients.
Frequently asked Questions
Stomach cancer can be diagnosed through methods such as physical examination, blood tests, imaging tests (endoscopy, x-ray, MRI), biopsy and pathological examinations.
Stomach cancer surgery can be performed by partial or complete removal of the stomach, depending on the spread and stage of the cancer. A surgery known as gastrectomy may be performed by removing the stomach and rearranging the small intestine.
Recommendations such as choosing small and frequent meals, consuming liquids, consuming soft and pureed foods and foods with high nutritional value, avoiding spicy, fatty and acidic foods, adequate protein intake, and taking the needed vitamins and minerals should be taken into consideration.
Vegetables, fruits and whole grains should be preferred with a healthy diet, salty and processed foods should be limited, tobacco and alcohol use should be stopped, Helicobacter pylori infection should be treated, regular exercise should be done and stress should be avoided.