How is Hiatal Hernia Treated?

How to Treat Stomach Hernia?

It is a condition in which the stomach contents slide from the diaphragm into the chest cavity. It usually manifests itself with symptoms such as chest pain, heartburn and difficulty swallowing. How to treat hiatal hernia? As for the question, it varies depending on the patient's symptoms and the severity of the hernia.

What Causes Hiatal Hernia?

How to Treat Stomach Hernia?

It occurs when the stomach part is pushed into the chest cavity through an opening in the diaphragm that separates the stomach and chest cavity. This condition is known as hiatal hernia. It occurs due to several reasons.

One of the most common causes is the weakening of the diaphragm muscles with aging. As we age, especially in people over 50, the muscles and tissues in the diaphragm area weaken.

The constant increase in intra-abdominal pressure causes the opening in the diaphragm to widen. hiatal hernia visible. This condition is more common in conditions such as excess weight, cough, constipation and heavy lifting. Some people may be born with a large opening in the part of the diaphragm that separates the stomach and chest cavity. This genetic structure increases the risk of stomach hernia.

Blows to the abdomen or chest area or surgical procedures may cause changes in the structure of the diaphragm. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption negatively affect the health of the digestive system and increase the risk of stomach hernia.

What are the symptoms of hiatal hernia?

It is a health problem that occurs when the stomach part is pushed into the chest cavity through an opening in the diaphragm. It is commonly known as hiatal hernia. It manifests itself with some distinct symptoms.

  • It may cause stomach acid to leak into the esophagus. It causes heartburn, which is felt especially after meals and when going to bed.
  • Some people with a hernia in their stomach may experience difficulty or a feeling of sticking when swallowing. This condition occurs because the esophagus narrows or becomes under pressure.
  • Pain in the chest area, especially after meals, hiatal hernia It could be a symptom. This pain is sometimes confused with heart pain.
  • Stomach acid backing up into the esophagus can cause chronic cough and a feeling of heaviness or burning in the throat. In rare cases, it may cause vomiting or nausea.
  • Reflux can damage the vocal cords and cause hoarseness or sore throat.

Symptoms become more noticeable after meals. It also varies depending on the person's sleeping position. Symptoms can be controlled with lifestyle changes and some medications. However, if symptoms persist or become severe, it is important to seek medical attention.

How is Hiatal Hernia Treatment Done? How Long Does It Take?

What Causes Hiatal Hernia?

How to treat hiatal hernia? The question is frequently asked. It varies depending on the type of hernia, its size and the symptoms it causes. The goal of treatment is to relieve symptoms and reduce the risk of complications. The treatment process and duration vary from person to person.

In mild cases, symptoms are controlled with lifestyle changes and dietary adjustments. Changes include losing weight, not going to bed immediately after eating, avoiding heavy meals and acids. The effect of these changes can usually be observed within a few weeks.

Medications can be used to reduce stomach acid and relieve reflux symptoms. These drugs are antacids, proton pump inhibitors and H2 receptor blockers. The effects of the drugs begin in a short time. However, for long-term use, medical supervision is required.

In severe cases or when there is no response to medications, surgical intervention is required. Surgical procedures are performed to repair the hernia and prevent stomach acid from leaking into the esophagus. It is usually performed minimally invasively using laparoscopic methods. The recovery process after surgery usually takes several weeks. However, full recovery and return to normal activities may take several months.

In some cases, treatment with endoscopic methods may be possible. These methods are less invasive and recovery time is usually shorter.

How is a hiatal hernia done? and how long does it take? The nature and duration of treatment vary depending on the patient's general health condition and the severity of the hernia. Lifestyle changes and medication often provide quick relief. However, full recovery after surgery may take longer.