Symptoms of Esophageal Cancer

esophageal cancer symptoms

It is a type of cancer that occurs in the esophagus. In its early stages, there are usually no symptoms. However, as it progresses, some symptoms may appear. Symptoms of esophageal cancer may include: It is a type of cancer that starts in the inner wall of the esophagus and spreads to other tissues. It travels from the mouth to the stomach and occurs due to abnormal growth and proliferation of cells in this area. It is the most common symptom that can be caused by a tumor that causes difficulty in swallowing.

Difficulty swallowing occurs when it becomes difficult or impossible for food to pass through the esophagus. It may cause pain in the chest. This may be pain, burning, pressure, or discomfort within the rib cage. It may cause digestive system problems. Symptoms such as indigestion, bloating, gas and nausea may occur. It can spread to the lungs through the air passing through the esophagus and cause coughing.

It may be accompanied by cough, bloody sputum, shortness of breath and hoarseness. It may cause loss of appetite and weight loss. This is because the tumor prevents the normal swallowing and digestion of food. symptoms, esophageal cancer symptoms It is typical for . However, it may not always manifest itself with these complaints. In some cases, it may progress without any symptoms. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in case of any symptoms.

Esophageal Cancer Symptoms and Diagnosis

Symptoms of Esophageal Cancer

Several different tests may be performed to make the diagnosis. These include: During endoscopy, a thin, flexible tube (endoscope) is inserted into the esophagus. The end of the endoscope has a camera and illumination device. This way the doctor can examine and diagnose the presence of a tumor. Additionally, it can be diagnosed whether the tumor is cancerous or not by taking a biopsy during endoscopy. Some radiological imaging tests can be used to make a diagnosis.

These tests may include an X-ray focused on the esophagus or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Positron emission scanning is used to determine whether cancer has spread to other parts of the body. During a PET scan, a radioactive substance is administered and cancer cells in the body absorb this substance. Then, a special camera tracks this radioactive material. It determines where the cells are. Symptoms of esophageal cancer, is examined. Based on the necessary test results, the doctor makes a diagnosis.

Esophagus Cancer Treatment Process

It may vary depending on the patient's stage of cancer, type and treatment options. However, these treatment options are generally used. In its early stages, surgery may be performed to remove cancerous tissue. The procedure may involve removing part or all of the patient's esophagus. Radiation therapy may be used. It uses high-energy rays to help kill cancer cells.

During radiotherapy, patients experience side effects such as skin rash, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and difficulty swallowing. Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to slow or stop growth. Chemotherapy may be used alone or in combination with radiotherapy or surgery. Patients experience side effects such as hair loss, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and risk of infection.

Symptoms of esophageal cancer Nutrition and psychological support are important during the treatment process. They can also get help on these issues. For patients who have difficulty swallowing, a special diet plan can be prepared by nutritionists. Nutritional support can also be provided. Psychological support groups and therapies are also available for cancer patients and their families.